
  • Editor's Note

    Here we are at the end of March. It's starting to get hot out there, which means Songkran is on the way. I hope everybody's ready. I plan on dealing with it like I always do — by complaining about it.


    I wonder why many people only love people who love them as well. Is it something that affects all mankind, or is it just something that affects only individuals?

  • inFAMOUS: Second Son

    Video games thrust its players into all sorts of awesome roles: space marine, professional sports superstar, medieval knight, moustache-wearing plumber who’s surprisingly adept at driving a go-kart.


    The new Jawbone UP24 wristband connects wirelessly to your iOS or Android device via Bluetooth Smart to provide continuous feedback and in-the-moment notifications.

  • Bomb from World War Two kills seven in Bangkok (Updated)

    Junk shop employee tries to cut open bomb using gas-torch, sparks explosion, destroys building, body parts thrown 200 metres.



