

    (March 21 to April 19)

    Don’t let little things get to you. Focus on your own plans and let your intuition guide you. Strive to get ahead and stabilise your personal life. Make changes that suit your life and plans.


    (April 20 to May 20)

    Keep your thoughts and activities a secret. Take control instead of being controlled. You can get ahead if you put in some extra hours to catch up with your chores and personal projects.


    (May 21 to June 20)

    Love is on the rise. Romance will improve your personal life. Get together with friends, and you will find out some information that can help you reach a personal or professional goal.


    (June 21 to July 22)

    An idea you have will help to attract like-minded individuals willing to contribute to your plans. If you speak from the heart you will get the help required to improve your good ideas.

  • LEO

    (July 23 to August 22)

    Don’t limit what you’re able to accomplish. Concentrate on the possibilities, and put your experience and knowledge to work for you. Keep your mind on what really needs to be done.


    (August 23 to September 22)

    Make your decisions based on what you see, not what you hear. Do whatever you decide to do passionately. A practical solution will help to stabilise an important partnership.


    (September 23 to October 22)

    Romance will improve your personal life. Keep the peace and get along with everybody. Doing something that will ease your stress will help you make positive plans for the future.


    (October 23 to November 21)

    You may have things you want to do with friends, but you don’t neglect your chores at home. A little effort will go a long way if you focus on making your living space comfortable.


    (November 22 to December 21)

    Stick to what you know and keep moving forward. Push for what you want. It’s important that you play by the rules if you want to avoid opposition that can bring about negative results.


    (December 22 to January 19)

    Socialising will be fun as long as you are careful not to exclude anybody from your plans. Stick close to home and avoid mishaps while travelling. Moderation will ensure happiness.


    (January 20 to February 18)

    Dig up old ideas, and you will find a way to incorporate them into a plan you have for the future. Looking for ways to make extra cash will pay off. Invest in your skills, talents and knowledge.


    (February 19 to March 20)

    Focus more on the positive personal changes you can make instead of trying to change others. It’s important to live by your own standards. Don’t let what others do influence you.


    entice (v): to persuade somebody to go somewhere or do something, usually by offering them something
    ulterior (adj): that somebody keeps hidden and does not admit
    intuition (n): the ability to know something by using your feelings rather than considering the facts
    stabilise (v): to make something firm and unlikely to change
    chore (n): a task that you do regularly
    passionately (adv): with a lot of enthusiasm and energy
    neglect (v): to fail to take care of something
    mishap (n): a small accident or piece of bad luck
    incorporate (v): to include something so that it forms a part of something