
  • Editor's Note

    Time flies, the term break is over and here we are back for another school semester. As annoying as it no doubt is to be back in class and hitting the textbooks once again, look on the bright side — at least you get to catch up with some friends and classmates that you might have missed during the school break.


    There was a ceremony organised at my school. They were casting a statue of Buddha. Monks came and prayed with beautiful chant that I’d never heard before. They also made holy threads and holy water.

  • FIFA Online 3

    FIFA Online 3 lets players experience a challenge on an international level.

  • The solution to limited storage

    Photographers, videographers and those who have to deal with a great deal of photos or video files may be frustrated with difficulties in storing all their content on multiple devices.

  • Skeletons give Phuket sea gypsies hope

    Proof that sea gypsies have occupied a strip of coastal land for generations has convinced the Justice Ministry to seek the revocation of land title deeds held by businessmen trying to evict them.



