
  • Editor's Note

    It's good to have friends. It's even better to have friends who you've known for a very long time. Meeting new people is good, but there's nothing like having people in your life who have seen you change and grow over time — and who you've seen doing the same.


    Have you ever failed at one of your favourite subjects at school? What did your parents and teachers say; and did any of your friends make jokes to tease you?

  • FIFA Online 3

    FIFA Online 3 lets players experience a challenge on an international level.

  • HTC Desire 816

    HTC's latest offering pushes all the right buttons at a great price point.

  • Free World Cup football happiness, sponsored by the NBTC

    First a blackout threat, then a court ruling allowing a limited set of matches televised on free TV, and now what appears to be free football party sponsored by the government.



