

    (March 21 to April 19)

    Take a good look at your life and think about what you can do to make things better. Taking on new responsibilities might lead to more stress. Enjoy doing something fun with friends.


    (April 20 to May 20)

    Be honest with yourself and with others, and try to live up to your word. Use your imagination to come up with good solutions. Luck is on the way and good things can be expected.


    (May 21 to June 20)

    Be open to suggestions but do what's best for you. There may be a setback if you try to do too much. Avoid events that are too expensive or that will take up too much of your time.


    (June 21 to July 22)

    Getting involved in something you believe in will lead to an interesting opportunity. Don't worry about change. A chance to put your talents to good use will help to enhance your reputation.

  • LEO

    (July 23 to August 22)

    Rethink your ideas and prepare to implement your plans. There's no time to waste if you want to get ahead. Take advantage of any opportunity to experience something new or unusual.


    (August 23 to September 22)

    Don't wait for somebody else to make the first move. Stay in front and focus on what you have to offer. You cannot change the past but you can choose to do things differently in the future.


    (September 23 to October 22)

    Fix up your surroundings or spend some time updating your image. The compliments you get will be well worth your effort. A change of plans will fit right into your busy schedule.


    (October 23 to November 21)

    Now is not the time to be shy. The sky's the limit, so go after your goals. Let everybody know what you have to offer. Take some time to enjoy the company of somebody special.


    (November 22 to December 21)

    You will feel good if you do something nice for somebody. Give and take is important, so don't hesitate to accept what's offered in return. Think about your future and do the best you can.


    (December 22 to January 19)

    A change in a relationship will leave you questioning some of the connections you have with people. Take the time to nurture friendships and protect the things that mean the most to you.


    (January 20 to February 18)

    You've got everything going for you, so don't waste a minute. Write down everything you want to achieve and don't stop until you have fulfilled your dreams. Be available for new opportunities.


    (February 19 to March 20)

    You have to be honest with yourself if you want things to turn out in your favour. Don't let your vivid imagination lead you in the wrong direction. Think about different ways of doing things.


    indulgence (n): the act of doing whatever you want


    ulterior (adj): that somebody keeps hidden and does not admit


    live up to (phrasal v): to do as well or be as good as other people expect you to


    word (n): a promise or guarantee that you will do something or that something will happen or is true


    setback (n): a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents something or makes a situation worse


    enhance (v): to increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of something


    reputation (n): the opinion that people have about what something or somebody is like, based on what has happened in the past


    implement (v): to make something that has officially been decided start to happen or be used


    nurture (v): to help something to develop and be successful


    vivid (adj): producing very clear pictures in your mind




    the sky's the limit: used to say that there is no limit to what somebody can achieve, earn, do, etc.