
  • Editor's Note

    If you turn to page 21 of this week's issue, you'll see the story of David Petrovic, a 4-year-old boy in Serbia whose mother is making a startling claim. Sanja Petrovic, the aforementioned mother, says that her child is a human magnet.


    While I was sitting on a tuk-tuk with my older sister yesterday, her handbag was snatched by a motorcyclist. He rode by quickly and turned left at the corner. Our driver was too shocked to chase after the thief.

  • Understanding English

    Are you ready to follow the Bangkok Post's election coverage on election day and after? This quiz will test your knowledge of vocabulary you are sure to see.

  • Easy English news

    As a fleet of tugboats tries to speed up the flow of river water into the sea, Bangkok has been declared largely safe although serious problems still remain in outlying parts of the city.

  • Morning Focus

    Video of daily summary in English of Thai newspaper and media reports coupled with commenary and analysis of key developments.



