

    (March 21 to April 19)

    Make improvements that will make you feel better about your life. A change will lift your spirits. You will soon come up with an interesting way to utilise your skills. Set your plans in motion.


    (April 20 to May 20)

    Too much of anything can be a bad thing. Somebody you have helped in the past can help you to get ahead. Put more effort into your work and get the recognition you want and need.


    (May 21 to June 20)

    You will get the skills you need if you discuss your plans with somebody in a position to help. Sort out any personal problems so that you can feel better about your life and your future.


    (June 21 to July 22)

    An unexpected turn of events may leave you feeling unsettled. Take your time and assess your situation before you make a move. Come up with an innovative plan and do your best.

  • LEO

    (July 23 to August 22)

    Take any opportunity you get to show off your skills and talents. What you do to impress others will help you out when it comes to your professional goals. Stay positive and work hard.


    (August 23 to September 22)

    You may not be getting all the information you need to make a good decision. Ask questions before making any promises. Be prepared to move on with your plans alone if necessary.


    (September 23 to October 22)

    Share your thoughts and enjoy socialising with friends. The information you gain will help you reach your goals. A creative idea can turn into an adventure that will lead to new connections.


    (October 23 to November 21)

    Romance is in the stars. Spend time with somebody special or look for the perfect partner. Your love life will soon improve. A last-minute change will bring about good fortune.


    (November 22 to December 21)

    An interesting turn of events will make your life much easier. You might also be offered an interesting new opportunity if you travel to some of the places that you used to frequent.


    (December 22 to January 19)

    Put love at the top of your list. You can improve a relationship if you pay more attention to the one you love. You can accomplish a lot if you don't let anybody interfere with your plans.


    (January 20 to February 18)

    You will have plenty of good ideas in the coming days, but you might not have enough time to get all of them up and running. Think about what is most important to you and go for it.


    (February 19 to March 20)

    Do whatever you can to show somebody special that you care. Make a promise that will lead to a closer relationship. A little effort can go a long way. Take your time making big decisions.


    advance (v): to help something to succeed


    spirits (n): a person's feelings or state of mind


    utilise (v): to use something, especially for a practical purpose


    recognition (n): public praise and reward for somebody's work or actions


    unsettled (adj): not calm or relaxed


    assess (v): to make a judgement about the nature or quality of something


    connection (n): a person or an organisation that can help you in your social or professional life


    frequent (v): to visit a particular place often


    accomplish (v): to succeed in doing or completing something


    go for something (phrasal v): to put a lot of effort into something so that you get or achieve something




    rest assured: used to emphasise that what you say is true or will definitely happen


    up and running: working; being used