Historic royal visit

His Majesty the King, Her Majesty the Queen and Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn arrive at Thung Makham Yong. THITI WANNAMONTHA

By Terry Fredrickson

Tens of thousands of people flocked to see Their Majesties return to the historic Thung Makham Yong paddy field yesterday as countless thousands more watched on live television.

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King makes historic return

Monarch's first trip outside Greater Bangkok in 3 years
Yingluck donates paddy field plot to His Majesty

Apinya Wipatayotin

Many in the huge crowds along the route had waited all day for a glimpse of His Majesty. PATIPAT JANTHONG

AYUTTHAYA : History repeated itself yesterday at Thung Makham Yong when His Majesty the King made a momentous return to a royally initiated paddy field where he harvested rice 16 years ago.

The visit by His Majesty was his first outside of Greater Bangkok in nearly three years. The King, who turned 84 on Dec 5 last year, has resided at Siriraj Hospital since Sept 2009, when he was admitted for lung inflammation.

Massive crowds could be seen at both Siriraj and along the route to Ayutthaya with citizens hoping for a glimpse of their revered monarch. Cheers of "Long Live the King" could be heard reverberating across the plain as soon as the door of the royal van opened, chanted by adoring crowds clad in the royal colours of pink and yellow and waving flags of the country and crown.

Many in the huge, colourful crowd had waited more than a day to see the King. THITI WANNAMONTHA

The King, wearing a green military uniform, arrived at Thung Makham Yong about 6pm, accompanied by Her Majesty the Queen and Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn.

The monarch paid homage to the memorial of Queen Sri Suriyothai from the royal vehicle before moving on to an exhibition centre where he was greeted by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Ayutthaya governor Witthaya Piewpong and other senior officials.

As the royal motorcade makes its way through Ahyutthaya along roads lined with huge crowds, synchronised chants of "Long Live the King ring out." PATIPAT JANTHONG

Ms Yingluck said His Majesty's visit has brought great joy to the people of Ayutthaya and neighbouring provinces.

"We are all deeply gratified to see His Majesty strong," she said.

Thung Makham Yong has an important place in Thai history as it showcases the royally initiated kaem ling (monkey cheek) project to store water for use in the dry season and ease flood problems in the rainy season, the premier said.

Ms Yingluck also presented the title deed of a 7-rai, 3-ngan land plot at Thung Makham Yong field which she and her family donated to the King.

Elephants were specially trained for the occasion. THITI WANNAMONTHA

The plot is the paddy field where the King came to harvest rice 16 years ago on May 14, 1996.

"My family and I would like to donate this land to His Majesty for use at your discretion," Ms Yingluck said.

About 6.35pm, the King went to a pond pavilion to watch traditional performances, including boat songs.

Children were just as excited as the adults. THITI WANNAMONTHA

At 7.20pm, the prime minister presided over a candle-lit ceremony to ask for blessings for His Majesty's good health and happiness. The King left at 7.30pm.

La-or Manorom, a 44-year-old worker from eastern Rayong, said she went to Prachuap Khiri Khan province to collect her family and then travelled with them all the way to Ayutthaya to pay respect to the King.

"Once in my life, I want to see the King. What I did today means nothing, compared with what the King has done for the country for more than 60 years," she said.

Songserm Isarakankul, the owner of a green-bean noodle plant in Kanchanaburi, said he had brought more than 20 kilogrammes of the noodles to Ayutthaya to present to the King.

Mr Songserm said his family has presented the noodles they make to the King for 40 years whenever they had a chance to do so.

Local villagers wait patiently in their traditional boats before their performance. They probably had the best view of all. PATIPAT JANTHONG

Michelle Reedy, a 45-year-old Australian who now works as a mahout at Ayutthaya Elephant Kraal, said the elephant keepers put in their utmost efforts in training 11 elephants to take part in the special occasion to welcome the King and the royal family.

"I feel good to do this for His Majesty the King," she said.

You can read previous article at www.bangkokpost.com/learning/all-article.


    monarch – a king or queen กษัตริย์ หรือราชินี
    donate – to give something such as money or goods to an organisation, especially to a charity, school, political party, etc. บริจาค
    paddy field – a field planted with rice growing in water นาข้าว
    plot – a piece of land used for a particular purpose ที่ดินแปลงเล็ก
    momentous – very important ที่สำคัญยิ่ง
    initiate – to make something start ริเริ่ม
    harvest – to gather in ripe crops เก็บเกี่ยว
    reside – to live in a particular place อยู่อาศัย
    admit – to put someone into hospital for medical treatment เปิดรับ
    inflammation – a red, painful and often swollen area in or on a part of your body การอักเสบ
    massive – very large ใหญ่มหาศาล
    route – the roads used to go from one place to another เส้นทาง
    glimpse – when you see something or someone for a very short time เหลือบดู, ชำเลือง, ชายตามอง
    revered – highly respected and admired ซึ่งแสดงความเคารพนับถือ
    reverberate – to shake มีผลสะท้อนต่อเนื่อง
    plain – a large area of flat land ที่ราบ
    chant – to keep shouting or singing a word or phrase many times โห่ร้อง, โห่ร้องต้อนรับ, ร้องเพลง
    adoring – showing great love and admiration อย่างรักและบูชา
    clad – dressed or covered สวมใส่
    crown – an object in the shape of a circle, usually made of valuable materials, worn by a king or queen มงกุฎ
    motorcade – a group of cars traveling with someone very important ขบวนรถ
    synchronised – happening at the same time or to moving at the same speed as something; to make something do this พร้อมกัน,ทำให้คล้องจองกัน
    accompany – to go with someone ไปกับ,ไปด้วยกัน
    pay homage to – to show deep respect for someone แสดงความเคารพ
    memorial – a statue, stone, etc. that is built in order to remind people of an important past event or of a famous person who has died อนุสรณ์
    exhibition – a public show where art or other interesting things are put so that people can go and look at them นิทรรศการ งานแสดง
    neighbouring – located or living near or next to a place or person ติดกัน, ที่อยู่ใกล้เคียง, ที่ตั้งอยู่ใกล้เคียง
    gratified – pleased or satisfied ปลื้มใจ, พอใจ, ชอบใจ
    showcase – to show the best qualities or parts of something แสดง,ทำให้เห็นจุดเด่น
    store – to put and keep things in a special place for use in the future เก็บ
    ease – to make a problem, situation or pain less severe or serious บรรเทา
    title deed – a land ownership paper โฉนด
    discretion – the freedom or power to decide what should be done in a particular situation ความอิสระในการตัดสินใจ
    at your discretion – used in making donations to a member of the Royal Family ตามพระราชอัถยาศัย
    pond – a small area of still water, especially one that is artificial บ่อน้ำ, สระน้ำ
    pavilion – a building a special ceremony, exhibition or show ศาลา, พลับพลา, ปะรำ, ศาลา
    traditional – of a custom, a way of life or a way of doing things that has not changed for a long time เป็นประเพณี, ตามธรรมเนียม
    performance – the act of carrying out some type of entertainment or sport การแสดง
    patient – able to wait for a long time without becoming angry or upset อดทน
    preside – to be in charge of an official meeting, ceremony or other event เป็นประธาน ในพิธี ในที่ประชุม
    candle – the freedom or power to decide what should be done in a particular situation ความอิสระในการตัดสินใจ
    blessing – God's help and protection, or a prayer asking for this การสวดให้พร, การให้พร
    pay respect to – to show deep admiration for someone แสดงความเคารพ
    plant – a factory that produces power or processes chemicals, or, in this case, makes noodles โรงงาน
    present – to give something to somebody, especially formally at a ceremony มอบให
    occasion – a special event, ceremony or celebration โอกาส, งาน
    mahout – someone who trains and drives elephants ควาญช้าง, คนเลี้ยงช้าง
    utmost – as much as possible: used for emphasizing a quality or feeling สุดขีด, อย่างมาก