Letter of the week


August 11, the day before Mother's Day, was my lucky day because I found a newborn squirrel under the palm tree next to my house.

The weather was terrible because it was raining heavily and there was a storm. The squirrel's nest fell to the ground. Fortunately, I heard the frightened sound of the squirrel calling its mother. I gently picked it up and took it home. My mother told me to take care of it and feed it with milk. I looked after it until it was strong enough to find its mother.

It was a wonderful day and a great mission for me!

Patnaree Petchkrua,

That's a sweet story, Patnaree. Well done for saving the squirrel and looking after it until it was strong enough to return to its mother. It sounds as if it was a great experience for both you and your furry friend! — Editor


Recently there was a giant explosion in Tianjin, China. Many houses were damaged and many people have suffered from the explosion. I feel sorry for the people who lost their loved ones in the disaster.

It started in a warehouse that kept hazardous and flammable chemicals. The owner of the warehouse has been arrested. From this explosion, I hope people will learn to be safer and that warehouse workers should have awareness at all times.

Theethad Thipsoda,

Thanks for your letter, Theethad. There seems to have been quite a few major industrial accidents and chemical explosions around the world lately, but the warehouse blast in Tianjin was particularly shocking. It looks like the people living there will be dealing with the toxic fallout from that disaster for a long time. — Editor


My name is Anchan and I’m 20 years old. Last semester, I had to study the major subjects of my course. At first it was boring, but when I met my roommates, I found that they were lovely, friendly and generous. In the morning, we go to study together, and at noon we have lunch together. At night we watch movies, and sometimes we go on holiday together.

When it was my birthday, my friends surprised me at midnight by singing "Happy Birthday" and giving me a lovely cake. I was very impressed. I want to thank my friends for everything and for making me happy. I promise that I won’t forget them!

Anchan Chaopa,
Chiang Rai

It sounds like you've made some great new friends, Anchan. When you're surrounded by people you get along with well, it makes the tough things we have to do like work and study that much easier. Keep up the good work — and belated Happy Birthday! — Editor

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For letters and any general comments you have about Student Weekly, contact us at Bangkok Post Student Weekly, Bangkok Post Building, 136 Na Ranong Road, Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110.

You can also email us at [email protected] or fax us at 02 240 3792. Your words must be your own (except for quotations and well-known proverbs or sayings) and they may be edited. The Letter of the Week wins a prize of 150 baht!


  • hazardous (adj): involving risk or danger, especially to somebody's health or safety
    flammable (adj): something that can catch fire and burn easily
    awareness (n): knowing that something exists and is important
    fallout (n): the bad results of a situation or action
    generous (adj): kind in the way you treat people
    belated (adj): coming or happening late

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