Letter of the week


The weather is changing. Temperatures are rising in many parts of the world as a result of global warming. An easy way for the students to help stop global warming is to use the three R's — Recycle, Reduce and Reuse.

Recycling decreases pollution and protects the environment. Before recycling, we should separate our rubbish into glass, plastic bottles, used cans and paper.

A good idea to save energy is to turn off the lights, air conditioners and electrical equipment when not in use. Don’t waste rain water, as it can be used to water plants. And we should use both sides of every piece of paper.

Planting more trees and using less fuel are also good ways to help stop global warming.

Khemiga Kengkiangkrai,
Pathum Thani

Thanks for your letter, Khemiga. Everything you mentioned is true — even these small, everyday habits can make a big difference, especially if everybody does it. Let's hope we can reduce global warming and give our fragile planet some kind of future. — Editor



Hello Student Weekly! My letter is about how weird the weather is at the moment. We're meant to be starting to cool season in Thailand, but here in Bangkok it seems to be getting hotter every day. There is hardly any rain, and when we have to walk in the sun, it's like being baked in a giant oven. I hope the cool season starts soon!

Pear Chaipayom,

Thanks for your letter, Pear. It has been unusually hot for this time of year. Global warming seems to be making the weather more unpredictable everywhere. Let's hope the cooler weather kicks in some time soon. — Editor


I never thought that dengue fever was very dangerous. I often get bitten by mosquitoes and I've never worried about it. But recently I saw news about TV star Thrisadee Sahawong (Por), who is in a coma because of the effects of dengue hemorrhagic fever.

After reading about his case, it made me more careful about taking care of myself. People need to be aware that small insects like mosquitoes can be dangerous.

Thanakrit Promsuwan,

Dengue fever is certainly a horrible thing to get, Thanakrit. Although most cases aren't fatal, it can make people very sick. Mosquitoes are extremely annoying at the best of times — the fact that they can also cause fatal illnesses makes them one of my least favourite creatures. — Editor

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For letters and any general comments you have about Student Weekly, contact us at Bangkok Post Student Weekly, Bangkok Post Building, 136 Na Ranong Road, Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110.

You can also email us at [email protected] or fax us at 02 240 3792. Your words must be your own (except for quotations and well-known proverbs or sayings) and they may be edited. The Letter of the Week wins a prize of 150 baht!


  • separate (v): to divide things into different groups
    fragile (adj): easily broken or damaged
    unpredictable (adj): that cannot be predicted because it depends on too many different things or is unreliable
    coma (n): a deep unconscious state caused by injury or serious illness
    fatal (adj): causing or ending in death

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