Letter of the week


My name is Film and I’m in Matayom 4. My family and I are so excited about the upcoming Star Wars movie. I was raised on Star Wars because my dad has a big collection of Star Wars stuff. I first saw the older movies when I was about 5 years old.

Since then, I have been a big fan of the series. I think lots of people are big fans of these movies.

How about you? Which Star Wars movie is your favourite?

Jeerayuth Buahima,

Thanks for your letter, Film. The Star Wars movies are certainly popular, and there is definitely a lot of excitement about the new one. I'm not really a big fan of the series, but I do have a soft spot for the first couple of films, which came out when I was a little kid. I especially liked Harrison Ford as Han Solo in the early films — he was a cool character! — Editor



Hi Student Weekly! I want to write about reading the news.

Lately I've been reading the newspaper every day, and it has started to make me feel really depressed. It seems like all the news is bad, and nothing ever happens to fix the bad problems. It just makes me feel powerless.

Do you think it's a good idea to try and keep up with the news, or will we be happier if we just try to ignore it and live our own lives?

Chiang Mai

Funny you should mention bad news, Pichai — we were just working on our yearly news round-up for our end of year issue and noticed that there seems to have been a lot of death and destruction in the world this year. I think it's good to make an effort to keep up with what's happening in the world, even though it can be depressing at times. But there are lots of good and inspiring stories too — they just don't usually make the headlines because they're not good for selling newspapers. I think that on balance there's more good than bad in the world, so try to focus on the good stuff and do what you can to make things better. — Editor


Recently I went to see a movie, and it was a really annoying experience. There was nothing wrong with the film, but it was the audience that ruined the experience for me. I was surrounded by people eating noisily out of plastic bags, and other people who spent the whole time playing on their phones. The light from their phones was really distracting.

I don't understand why people go out to do something then spend the whole time looking at their phones, especially when they've paid to see a movie. Next time I might just watch a DVD at home instead.

Nam Teekanun,

Sorry to heard about your horror movie experience, Nam. I've experienced crowds like that at movies theatres too, so I know how annoying it can be. These days, if I want to see a movie on the big screen, I usually try to go at a time when I know there won't be many people in the cinema, like in the middle of the week. Watching films at home is always fun, too. — Editor

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You can also email us at [email protected] or fax us at 02 240 3792. Your words must be your own (except for quotations and well-known proverbs or sayings) and they may be edited. The Letter of the Week wins a prize of 150 baht!


  • distracting (adj): annoying and taking your attention away from what you are trying to do
    powerless (adj): without power to control or influence something
    inspiring (adj): exciting and encouraging you to do or feel something

    have a soft spot for something:
    to like something

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