Letter of the week


It has been raining cats and dogs lately. I am very surprised that a flash flood has already hit Pattaya. It now makes me worry that Bangkok might be flooded as well.

What I am worried the most is about the well-being of animals, especially stray dogs. Unlike humans, animals cannot take good care of themselves. They don’t know how to evacuate or where to go. I am afraid that many stray dogs might drown during the flood.

Naree Srikunnatham,

Floods can cause plenty of problems, Naree, and some we might not always think about, like what could happen to all the animals that can't fend for themselves. It looks like the annual flooding this year has already caused a lot of destruction and damage. Hopefully other parts of Thailand will be spared a similar fate this rainy season. And to think we were trying to come up with ways to deal with drought just a couple of months ago! — Editor


The other day I went to a pet shop with my family. We bought some small fish to put in the lotus pond out the back of our house. The fish are quite tiny but very colourful. They seemed to be happy in their new home because they swam around very fast. We gave them some fish food and they got very exited and ate it quickly.

I hope our new fish continue to be happy in their pond.

via email.

It's a good idea to have some small fish in your pond, Film — as well as being nice and relaxing to look at they'll help to eat the mosquito larvae. Thanks for writing in. — Editor


Recently some kittens were born at the back of our house. We were really surprised to find them! They were born from a stray cat that decided to have them under the table next to our washing machine.

There are three kittens and they're all really cute. Two of them are brown and one is half white and half brown. The mother seemed to be exhausted so we have her some food. But I'm not sure what we'll do with the kittens.

Nat Nakhumpun,

I'm glad the cat found a safe and friendly place to have her kittens, Nat. It's a shame there's such a big problem with stray cats and dogs in Thailand, but it's hardly the animals' fault. Hopefully a nice permanent home can be found for the kittens. Good luck! — Editor

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  • flash flood (n): a sudden flood of water caused by heavy rain
    evacuate (v): to move people from a place of danger to a safer place
    drown (v): to die because you have been under water too long and cannot breathe
    fend for yourself (phrasal v): to look after yourself without help from anybody else
    fate (n): things, especially bad things, that will happen or have happened to somebody or something
    drought (n): a long period of time when there is little or no rain
    feline (n): a cat or animal of the cat family
    exhausted (adj): very tired

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