Deep south

SW explores Antarctica

By Itsarin Tisantia
Photos courtesy of Bangkok Post

Antarctica is the southernmost part of the world. In recent times, the huge icy continent and nearby islands have become popular tourist attractions for adventurous travellers.

For Freeze Frame this week, SW explores Antarctica and some of the islands in the region that adventurers love to visit.

Antarctica is known for its amazing and enormous icebergs, many of which contain various types of wildlife.

A school of King penguins enhances the beauty of the Antarctic Ocean.

The colourful Rockhopper penguins, with bright yellow hairs and red eyes, can be seen on the windy Falkland Islands.

Whales, the world’s largest marine mammal, can often be glimpsed in the waters around Antarctica.

On the island of South Georgia stands the rusty remains of a factory that was once used to obtain fat from whales, which was used as a form of fuel before petroleum and natural gas were exploited.

Large King penguin colonies can be found on the island of South Georgia.

Antarctica and South Georgia are among the world’s best places to see various types of seals in their natural habitats.


Match each of the following words used in Freeze Frame with the correct definitions from the choices given.

…… 1. habitat a. connected with the sea and the creatures and plants that live there
…… 2. marine b. enjoying being in new and exciting situations
…… 3. iceberg c. a large mass of ice floating in the sea
…… 4. adventurous d. the place where a particular type of animal or plant is normally found



  • mammal (n): an animal that gives birth to live babies and feeds young on milk
    glimpse (v): to see something for a moment
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