Letter of the week


My nickname is Dream, and I am a band student. Every day after school I go to the band room and practise. I play percussion, like drums and cymbals, but I'm better at the flute. I want to play the flute, but my playing percussion is best for the band.

I've had many chances to go to Bangkok to compete with other school bands. They were good experiences. I got fourth prize four times, and third prize once.

My dream is to get first place one time in my life.

Wathanya Anantagitphaiboon,

I think you've got an attainable goal there, Dream. I know what it's like to work hard at a musical pursuit and to fall short a few times. But if you stick with it and practise hard, you’ve got a great chance of success at winning your first place award. For several years in high school I competed in regional and state singing competitions. I got first place at regionals several times, but fell short with second place finishes at state. It wasn't until I was a senior in high school that I finally got that state championship I'd been after. It took a lot of practise and rehearsal. If I can do it, you certainly can. Good luck. — Editor



My nickname is Jeng. In the future I want to be a doctor or a dentist, but it takes a lot of studying. It is very hard, and I will be tired.

But I will try to do it because I want to help many people, including my family. If I can help them, they will be happy and smile at me.

My idol is my brother. He studies very well, and he is a doctor. I will be like him. Even though it will be hard, I will do my best.

Piyanud Kurupakorn,

It sounds like you've got a good role model, Piyanud. You've also got somebody who can tell you first hand exactly what it takes to become a doctor. Don't be afraid to ask your brother for any advice he can give you. Study hard and don't give up on your dream. Think how great it will be to have two doctors in the family. Anybody would be proud. — Editor


Sometimes, I find it really annoying at night when I try to sleep, but mosquitoes buzz around my ears. Some people believe that it may be a sin to kill animals, including bugs and insects.

Many times I try to swat them and miss. I try to go back to sleep but they return again and again. I've suffered many sleepless nights.

Teera Siribunsuk,

That is a bummer, Teera. Unfortunately there's not a lot you can do about those pesky bloodsuckers. It seems no matter if you've got screens on your windows, and how careful you are to keep the little buggers out, at least one or two manage to find a way into the house and around your ears. You could put mosquito repellant on before bedtime, I suppose, but then the smell of that awful stuff is just as likely to keep you up as the buzzing is. Don't worry about swatting them if you get the chance. There's plenty more where that one came from. — Editor

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  • attainable (adj): that you can achieve
    pursuit (n): something that you give your time and energy to
    rehearsal (n): time that is spent practising a play or piece of music in preparation for a public performance
    buzz (v): a continuous sound like the one that a bee makes
    bummer (n): a disappointing or unpleasant situation
    pesky (adj): annoying
    bugger (n): a thing that is difficult or causes problems
    swat (v): to hit something, especially an insect, using your hand or a flat object
    role model (n): a person that you admire and try to copy

    first hand:
    by experiencing, seeing, etc. something yourself

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