Editor's note

It's beginning to look a lot like … well, you know. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping (well certainly not that one here in Bangkok). Yuletide carols being sung by a choir. OK, not that one either. Nor are you likely to find anybody dressed up like an Eskimo here in Bangkok. Despite all that's lacking, it is indeed almost time for Christmas.

Even though there's no snow on the ground, Bangkok certainly is once again in the holiday spirit. I heard my first Christmas song just last week — which is pretty impressive, considering the holiday tunes usually start in November. Even with all the holiday decorations and festive music everywhere, the main place I'm getting my Christmas spirit this year is from my social media news feed.

My friends are posting pictures of themselves buying Christmas trees, baking cookies, sharing cherished recipes and linking to their favourite Christmas music. Despite the fact that I'm here in the tropic heat and probably won't be celebrating at all, I'm finding myself more in the holiday spirit than I usually do.

Christmas and Thanksgiving are definitely the top holidays for my family, and I'm sure for most Americans. Most years, I find myself fairly melancholy around this time of year — some years, I actually forget about it altogether. But this year I'm feeling, dare I say it, almost festive.

I don't know quite how to feel about my upbeat attitude this year. But I'm going to go against my usual nature, and actually enjoy feeling festive for a change. And to that end, I'd like to encourage all of you to do your best to feel festive as well.

No matter what your religion, take a bit of time to do something to put you into the holiday spirit this year. Go take pictures with friends and family in front of any of the many Christmas displays around wherever you live. Listen to your favourite Christmas song, even if it’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You.” Walk through an air-conditioned mall and soak in the consumerist bliss of the season. Watch “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Anything that maybe puts you into a festive mood, even just for a minute.

I know I'll be doing that this year. Even if it doesn't last very long, it's good to feel a little cheerful for a minute or two. Go out there and Christmas it up, folks! Then you can go right back to feeling crappy.

Happy holidays.

Sean Vale
[email protected]

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