Letter of the week


Hi Student Weekly! We haven't had much rain this rainy season, but the other day I was caught in a massive storm.

I was walking home as the sky was turning black from storm clouds, but I thought I could make it home before the rain came. But then, all of a sudden, it started pouring with rain and there was a strong wind with thunder and lightning as well. Even though I had an umbrella, it didn't do any good. I still got soaking wet anyway!

Tum Pattaporn,

I've had a similar experience many times, Tum. Sometimes the rain is so heavy and the wind is so strong that your umbrella just becomes a useless stick with some plastic flapping around on the end of it. That lightning can be pretty scary though! — Editor



One recent weekend, I went to a zoo in Khao Yai and took lots of photographs with various animals. I really love parrots as they can make amazing sounds or mimic what we say to them.

However, personally I think that caging up wild animals can cause them massive distress and many species have become extinct.

Teera Siribunsuk,

Thanks for writing in again, Teera. Zoos can certainly stir up a lot of contentious discussion and opposing opinions, and some definitely treat their animals better than others. Some zoos actually act as breeding grounds for endangered animals in an effort to stop them becoming extinct. One thing's for sure — you're right about parrots being amazing mimics! — Editor


During the weekend, I usually have a lot of free time. Sometimes I just sit on the couch playing video games, or I grab a book and read.

To get a new book to read, my parents sometimes take me to Neilson Hays Library where we can find lots of English language books. Every Saturday they have storytelling with art and crafts for small children. If we get hungry, we can also have a quick meal at the library café, where the food is prepared by a chef from the British Club.

Theethad Thipsoda,

Reading is a great way to spend your weekend, Theethad. I've always enjoyed visiting libraries, too, but it can be hard to find one in Bangkok. I'd actually forgotten about the Neilson Hays Library, so thanks for reminding me about it. I remember going to a second-hand book sale there once. I'll have to get along there and check it out again some time. — Editor

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  • mimic (v): to copy the way somebody speaks or behaves
    distress (n): a feeling of great stress, worry or unhappiness
    extinct (adj): no longer existing
    contentious (adj): likely to cause disagreement between people
    opposing (adj): very different from each other
    nook (n): a small quiet place or corner that is sheltered or hidden from other people

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