Heavy hits

Ornaree picks her top five

By Tatat Bunnag

Did you know

Ornaree’s new band features Bird of Desktop Error and Ju of Abuse the Youth.

Born into a music-loving family in Bangkok, Ornaree Chularatana grew up hearing a wide variety of music before discovering hard rock and heavy metal in her teens. After she entered the music industry in the mid-90s, she was hailed as the rock icon who introduced alternative rock and grunge music to Thais.

With the release of two successful albums — Natural High (1995) and Peel (1998) — Ornaree showcased her songwriting skills before taking a decade-long hiatus from music. The grunge queen is now recording her long-awaited new album.

Student Weekly recently had an opportunity to chat with Ornaree about some of the albums that have inspired her.


Bleach (1989, Sub Pop)

“Back in the 90s everybody knew Nirvana because they were one of the biggest bands at the time. Like many people, I first discovered Nirvana through their second album Nevermind. I thought the album was really cool, so I bought their first album, Bleach.

“I enjoyed Bleach even more because it was much heavier than Nevermind. Most of the tracks are really good, such as "School,” "Love Buzz" and "About a Girl."”

A Perfect Circle

Thirteenth Step (2003, Virgin Records)

“I stopped doing music for almost ten years. I was experimenting with my life, and tried to stay away from music entirely.

“Teddy from Flure introduced me to A Perfect Circle a few years ago when I started writing songs again. They’re an alternative rock band from Los Angeles that mix hard rock, metal, and very melodic guitars, which I really like. I love rock music, but I’ve always had a soft spot for pop melodies. I loved the track “Pet” immediately.”


Badmotorfinger (1991, A&M Records)

“Soundgarden was one of the very first Seattle grunge bands that I was really into back in the 90s, and it was because of the lead singer, Chris Cornell. He’s got a unique baritone voice but is able to sing in other ranges too.

“Their album Superunknown was also great, but Badmotorfinger was my first love. The sound is so fresh and creative, and it contains two of my favourite songs, "Jesus Christ Pose" and "Rusty Cage."”

Iron Maiden

Piece of Mind (1983, Capitol Records)

“I grew up in a house where everybody loved listening to music. Before grunge and the alternative rock scene, I was really into hard rock and heavy metal when I was 11 years old.

“My mom was a radio DJ so I heard a lot of pop and rock from her record collection. It was my older brother who introduced me to Iron Maiden. The English heavy metal band was the main inspiration for me to learn guitar.”

And So I Watch You from Afar

Gangs (2011, Richter Collective)

“This is my new favourite band. It’s a four-piece group from Belfast, Ireland, that plays melodic instrumental rock. I’ve been trying to record music again, and was looking for some new inspiration. One of my friends recommended this album.

“After listening to them I want to write instrumental song for my band. And So I Watch You from Afar came to Bangkok for a concert last year, but unfortunately I didn’t know them at the time, so I missed their show.”


  • showcase (v): to presents somebody’s abilities in an attractive way
    hiatus (n): a pause in activity when nothing happens
    experiment (v): to try out new concepts or ways of doing things
    baritone (n): a man’s singing voice with a range between tenor and bass
    instrumental (n): a piece of music in which only musical instruments are used with no singing

  • Idiom
    have a soft spot for something:
    to like somebody or something
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