Letter of the week


My name is Supanida. I’m a freshman majoring in English education. I’m training to be an English teacher.

I have fallen in love with photography and travelling. One day, I read a travel blog by somebody who calls himself a professional traveller. His job is to travel and take photos, then upload the photos online. If anybody downloads his photos, he earns money.

After hearing about that, I tried to find out more about this job. Somebody told me that you need to have a high-tech camera. I just had an ordinary cheap camera, but I didn't care. I just tried to take lots of photos so that I could try to have this career.

I have now been doing this job for a year, and my photos are being sold online to famous photo agencies. I wrote this letter to let people know that you shouldn't let anybody tell you that you cannot do something that you want to do.

Supanida Hanmontree,
Sakon Nakhon

That's an inspiring story, Supanida. It's great to hear that despite being told you didn't have what was needed to do something, you just went ahead and did it anyway and ended up being successful at it. With that kind of spirit and attitude, you're bound to succeed in whatever you do. Having a degree as an English teacher is great for a back-up plan, too. Keep up the good work! — Editor


Leonardo DiCaprio is my favourite actor. I recently watched his movie, The Revenant. It was an exciting and superb movie. It's about exploration in America in the 19th century.

Leonardo DiCaprio won an Oscar for his leading role in this movie. I was so glad to hear it because he has been known as an outstanding actor who never won an Oscar.

If you like Leonardo, I recommend that you to watch Titanic, Catch Me if You Can, Inception and The Wolf of Wall Street. His performances are really great in those movies.

Jaruwit Siripornpokanan,

Thanks for your letter, Jaruwit. It's great to discover an actor you really like so that you can have fun checking out all their different films. I haven't seen that many films starring Leonardo DiCaprio, but from what I've seen he seems to be an actor that isn't afraid to take on a variety of different roles. I think there were many people who felt that he was long overdue for an Oscar. — Editor


I'm Yok, and I'm a 17-year-old student. I want to talk about a bus service.

When I got on a bus, I found that the driver was giving angry gestures. He then drove fast and recklessly. He tried to overtake the bus in front without caring about the safety of the passengers or other people on the road.

Supachanee Taweesri,

Thanks for writing in Yok, and sorry to hear about your bad bus experience. I've had a few of those myself. Unfortunately, there's a good reason why Thailand is consistently high on the list of countries with the most dangerous roads. Many people here drive in a way that can only be described as suicidal insanity. Hopefully people's driving habits will improve one of these days. — Editor

We want to hear from you!

For letters and any general comments you have about Student Weekly, contact us at Bangkok Post Student Weekly, Bangkok Post Building, 136 Na Ranong Road, Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110.

You can also email us at [email protected] or fax us at 02 240 3792. Your words must be your own (except for quotations and well-known proverbs or sayings) and they may be edited. The Letter of the Week wins a prize of 150 baht!


  • high-tech (adj): using the most modern design and technology
    agency (n): a business or organisation that provides a particular service on behalf of other businesses
    inspiring (adj):
    exciting and encouraging you to do or feel something
    superb (adj): excellent
    outstanding (adj): extremely good
    gesture (n): a movement that you make with your hands, your head or your face to show a particular meaning
    recklessly (adv):
    in a way that is dangerous and that shows a lack of care
    suicidal (adj): very dangerous and likely to lead to death

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