Hello hardcore


LowFat slave away

Hello, My Slaves!
Independent Release

Since 2006, LowFat have been one of the most exciting bands in the small but thriving local hardcore punk scene. Hello, My Slaves! is the fourth album from the band, which is made up of Japanese and Thai musicians.

Hello, My Slaves! features 14 short tracks, all of which fly by in just over 18 minutes. While most of the songs are full-on, hardcore aural assaults, there’s plenty of variety, imagination and experimentation to ensure a thrilling listen throughout.

The incredibly energetic singer Sano screams most of the lyrics in Japanese, while guitarist Yusuke and bassist Chin drive each track with tight, intricate playing. The amazing artwork for the album was drawn by the band’s talented drummer Top Tarasin.

The album opens with “LowFat,” which seems to be a kind of theme song for the band, followed by the catchy riffing of “Krungthep.” “Start Monday” begins with an experimental blend of found sound and guitar feedback before launching into a short, fast hardcore punk track. Other highlights include “Hokori,” “Say No America” and “Connect,” but really the whole album is great and works together as a single piece of extreme art.

LowFat have a well-deserved reputation as an incredible live band, and they’ve managed to capture plenty of the energy and excitement of their live shows on this release. Fans of hardcore music or those who just want to rock out with something different, fun and crazy should definitely check out this album. — BE


  • slave away (phrasal v): to work very hard
    thriving (adj): strong, successful and healthy
    aural (adj): connected with hearing and listening
    intricate (adj): having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together
    found sound (n): recordings of random sounds made in public places
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