Epic hit


Quirky Keng returns

Keng Tachaya
“E Prik (Epic)”

Keng is a unique singer who became famous by taking part on The Voice talent TV show. The quirky star has just released his new single, “E Prik (Epic).”

Keng has already attracted plenty of fans with his creativity and unusual character, and his latest song should be able to interest new pop fans that are looking to discover something new and unusual.

One thing Keng is known for is using different singing techniques to attract listeners, and “E Prik (Epic)” continues in that tradition. The singer also wrote the lyrics and melody for this song.

The lyrics are about a woman who is happy to be herself. As usual, Keng uses unusual words and strange language in the lyrics, while the music mixes together influences from rock, dance, ska and electro to create a catchy pop fusion. There are also some traditional Thai musical instruments used in the song, which is all part of Keng’s signature style.

Overall, “E Prik (Epic)” is a fun track that will surely make listeners want to get up and dance.


  • quirky (adj): slightly strange in an amusing or enjoyable way
    fusion (n): the process or result of joining two or more things together to form one

  • Idiom
    be yourself:
    to act naturally
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