Letter of the week


I met an old classmate by chance on the skytrain. We hadn't seen each other for 10 years.

One thing did make me feel shy and embarrassed — she loudly called me by my old nickname “Pudgy.”

I got that name a long time ago. Now I am tall and slender.

We exchanged phone numbers, but I told her next time to be more polite and not to call me by my old nickname.

Supaluck Amnuaychailert,

Your desire not to be called by your old nickname is completely reasonable, Supaluck. When we grow to be adults, we get to choose how we present ourselves to the world. You've obviously changed a lot over the years, and I don't blame you for not wanting to be referred to by an unflattering nickname. I'm glad you told your friend that you expected not to be called Pudgy anymore — it's best to tell people what you expect from them. — Editor



The other day, my family and I were riding home in our car. There was a really heavy rain storm, and it got so bad that it was hard to see the road.

The rain was so heavy that it looked like we were under a waterfall. My dad had to slow the car down a lot because he was afraid of getting into an accident.

I will be happy when the rain stops and the weather gets cooler.

Kirati Thaisirisuk,

We got stuck in a bad storm the other day, too, Kirati. There's nothing quite as fierce as a tropical thunderstorm. I'll be glad when all the rain slows down. — Editor


As I walk around Bangkok lately, I'm noticing more and more tourists. That must mean the tourist season is starting up again.

Tourism is important to our country, so I'm glad that people come from foreign lands to visit the Land of Smiles. Popular tourist destinations are beaches, temples and restaurants.

I hope everybody who visits our country has a good time.

Sittichai Aumphipat,

Yeah, I've been noticing more tourists around as well, Sittichai. This is the time of year that you expect that to happen. Tourists and beer gardens are two certain signs that tourist season is here. — Editor

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  • pudgy (adj): slightly fat
    slender (adj): thin in an attractive or graceful way
    reasonable (adj): fair, practical and sensible
    unflattering (adj): making somebody or something seem worse or less attractive than they really are
    fierce (adj): very strong in a way that could cause damage

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