Local News

Panda parade

On March 4, papier mache pandas cover the ground at Sanam Luang for the “1600 Pandas World Tour in Thailand” campaign.

Anti-cable campaign

People oppose project

The Stop Global Warming Association has gathered more than 17,000 signatures of people opposing a plan to revive the cable car project to be built at Phu Kradueng peak in Loei.

Association president Srisuwan Janya on March 4 handed the petition to the National Resources and Environment Ministry.

The group obtained the names from website change.org which ran the anti-cable campaign between Feb 25 and March 2.

The project would pose environmental problems for Phu Kradueng National Park, Srisuwan said.

Begging for change

New law helps the poor

The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) on March 4 passed into law a bill to regulate beggars and buskers. The new law aims to distinguish between street beggars and street performers, said Wallop Tungkananurak, chairman of the committee vetting the bill. The law will also make it easier to go after those making money from beggars.

A new body will be set up to monitor beggars and send them to organisations responsible for dealing with and helping them.


Deadly roads

Trucks crash in Nong Khai

Two pickup trucks collided. It happened in Nong Khai on March 4. Eight people were killed. A truck crashed into the other pickup loaded with fish, police said.


  • papier mache (n): paper mixed with glue or flour and water, that is used to make decorative objects
    revive (v): to make something start being used or done again
    beggar (n): a person who lives by asking people for money or food
    busker (n): a person who performs music in a public place and asks for money from people passing by

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