Student Weekly
Student Weekly online : January 14th, 2008 edition


Little shop of wonders

Photos courtesy of Sahamongkol Film International

Magical toy store comes to life

Mr Magorium�s Wonder Emporium is a new fantasy film about a magical toy shop with a mind of its own. Mr Magorium (Dustin Hoffman), the eccentric 243-year-old owner of the shop, is able to change the dazzling colours of the shop at will, and the toys inside play happily by themselves.

• Did you know •
Mr. Magorium�s Wonder Emporium director Zach Helm worked in a toy shop before his career in film.

When 9-year-old Eric (Zach Mills) is transported into a storybook, he meets Molly Mahoney (Natalie Portman), a self-doubting toy-shop assistant who dreams of having a music career.

Mr Magorium unexpectedly decides to leave his magical shop, handing over the task of running it to Molly and a skeptical accountant named Henry (Jason Bateman).

As Mr Magorium makes plans to leave, the shop seems to lose its magic. All of the once-colourful toys turn grey and lifeless. With Eric�s help, Molly must overcome her self-doubt and show Henry that the shop�s magic is real.

Experience the magic when Mr Magorium�s Wonder Emporium hits theatres on January 17.


emporium (n): a shop that sells a particular type of goods
eccentric (adj): considered by other people to be strange or unusual
dazzling (adj): very bright and impressive
transport (v): to make somebody feel that they are in a different place and time
self-doubt (n): the feeling that you are not good enough
skeptical (adj): having doubts that a claim or statement is true



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