Letter of the week


I have a teacher at school who really loves the environment, just like me. But sometimes I feel that her actions to help the environment are too strong.

There was a day at school in the morning when the air conditioner was turned off and a lecture about the carbon footprint was spoken to the students. I understand that these problems on our planet are very difficult to solve. Living creatures and the environment are in conflict and we all need resources for life. I understand that it is hard for the teacher to explain this to city kids like me and my friends. But what can we do when some people just can’t understand?

Teera Siribunsuk,

Thanks for your letter, Teera. It can be hard to get people to think about the environmental problems that our planet is facing when everybody is caught up in just trying to get along in their day-to-day lives. I guess that was probably the point that your teacher was trying to make — that sometimes we have to force ourselves to stop and think about these things, and hopefully come up with ways to minimise the destruction we cause to the environment. — Deputy Editor



I don’t have much time to spend with mom, even on Mother’s Day, because we live in different provinces. I still love my mom and wish her happiness. We usually talk on the phone.

I think being a good child doesn’t mean that you have to be around your mom all the time. In my opinion, mothers don’t expect their children to give them special gifts or luxury items. They just want us to behave well, to avoid taking advantage of other people, and to occasionally do good things for society.

Nantharak Jitsawan,

I don’t get to spend much time with my mom these days either, Nantharak, since we live in different countries. But like you, I regularly stay in touch via the phone or Skype. As you say, I think most mothers are happy if their kids grow up to be good people who do their best to behave well and make a positive contribution to the world. — Deputy Editor


Last weekend I went for a holiday to Hong Kong with my friends. It was quite an interesting experience. I’d been to HK before when I was a little kid but I hardly remembered anything about the city. I wanted to go shopping with friends and explore the city. Most of all, I wanted to have some good Chinese food.

We arrived in Hong Kong around noon and the weather there was even hotter than Bangkok. The city was very busy and there were so many people talking and yelling on the streets. We mostly went between places by subway and on foot. The thing I love about the city is the food. We had some good dim sum, seafood, noodles and congee. We all had a good time in Hong Kong, and I would recommend it to people who like lively cities and good food.

Onthida Helaluya,

Thanks for your letter, Onthida. I’ve never been to Hong Kong but it sounds like a really fun place. Everybody I know who has been there seems to like it. I’ll definitely try to get there one of these days, but I probably won’t go in the middle of summer. — Deputy Editor

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  • carbon footprint (n): a term used to refer to the greenhouse gas emissions caused by an organisation, event, product or person
    conflict (v): if two things are in conflict, it is difficult for them to exist together
    minimise (v): to reduce something, especially something bad, to the lowest level possible
    luxury (n): a thing that is expensive and enjoyable but not essential
    lively (adj): full of energy, interest and excitement

    take advantage of somebody:
    to make use of somebody in a way that is unfair or dishonest

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