Student Weekly
Student Weekly: August 11th, 2008 issue


Do you challenge yourself?

Take the �Student Weekly� quiz to find out

1. When was the last time you did something new?

a. Last week.
b. Last month.
c. Last year.

2. Have you ever climbed a mountain?

a. Er � why would I do that when I can just take the bus?
b. Lots of times � I love the exhilaration of reaching the top.
c. I was forced to, but I couldn�t see the point of it.

3. If you fail at something, you ...

a. get up, determined to do better next time.
b. throw your arms up in the air in despair.
c. cry and moan that the world is against you.

4. Do you have strong will power?

a. Yes, except when it comes to chocolate.
b. Yes. I think about what I want, and I go for it.
c. No. I�m naturally lazy.

5. Do you have role models?

a. Yes. There are certain people in my life who I look up to.
b. Why should I? I want to be me, not somebody else.
c. I�m not good-looking enough to be a model.

6. Do you like change?

a. Yes, it keeps life interesting.
b. Most of the time � there�s no getting away from it.
c. No, I hate change. It�s scary.

7. Do you reflect on your mistakes?

a. All the time � I can�t believe how stupid I can be.
b. Sometimes I think about what I�ve done wrong.
c. Yes. Failure is only a failure if you don�t learn from it.

8. When did you last make a new friend?

a. Er � can�t remember.
b. Last week. I�m always meeting new people.
c. A few months ago.

Calculate your score

1. a=3, b=2, c=1
2. a=1, b=3, c=2
3. a=3, b=2, c=1
4. a=2, b=3, c=1
5. a=3, b=2, c=1
6. a=3, b=2, c=1
7. a=1, b=2, c=3
8. a=1, b=3, c=2

How did you do?

8-13: Your parents have wrapped you in cotton wool � or else you�re just lazy. Either way, you need to challenge yourself a little more, or you�ll never fulfill your potential. Say goodbye to fear and hello to a life where anything is possible.

14-19: You�re no scaredy-cat. Most of the time you�re confident in yourself and your abilities. But if you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone a little more, you�d be surprised by what you can achieve.

20-24: You really put yourself out there. You know what you want, and you�re prepared to push yourself to achieve it. You�ve experienced failure, and you�ve learned from it.


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