Letter of the week


I want to tell you about my life at university. At present I have lived here for a month. It's like starting a new life, leaving the arms of my family.

I have to adapt to new things, like sharing living space with three other people. I must learn to rely on self-control, and to consult with seniors and teachers. I also have to learn to manage my own finances.

I miss my parents and the teachers in my extra classes, but I promise that I will study hard and try my best for everyone I love, and for my job in the future.

Anchan Chaopa,
Uthai Thani

Congratulations on your first month at university, Anchan. I know it's a huge change in life. I also know that it's the first important step into your adulthood. You're starting to learn a lot of the lessons you'll need as you grow into adulthood. It seems to me like you've got a great attitude. I'm sure things will just keep getting better as you learn new things. — Editor



I recently saw the film The Railway Man. It stars Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman. I really loved this movie.

The Railway Man tells the story of one man's experience while being forced to help build the Death Railway in Thailand during World War II. He was a British prisoner of war.

The movie helped me realise how terrible the war was for so many people. It made me want to learn more about history, especially about prisoners of war under the Japanese.

Nat Pengpit,

I enjoyed that movie myself, Nat. I thought the acting was superb, and the story was very interesting. I'm glad you've found some inspiration from it to learn more about history. — Editor


Lately I have found a new way to help me improve my English-language listening skills. I have started listening to podcasts.

Podcasts are like radio shows that you download from the Internet. There are many kinds of podcasts. Some are educational; some are about entertainment and pop culture; some of them are funny. There are even podcasts about science, so you can learn about another subject while you are practicing your listening skills.

I think everybody should try to listen to podcasts.

Thida Charoenkul,

I'm glad you've discovered podcasts, Thida. I've been suggesting them to our readers for quite some time as a way to help them develop their listening skills. I love podcasts, too. I listen to a variety of them. Some of my favourites are about TV shows, science, comedy and general chat-show stuff. Whatever you listen to, make sure it's a subject that you're very interested in. That way you'll find it easier to pay attention. — Editor

We want to hear from you!

For letters and any general comments you have about Student Weekly, contact us at Bangkok Post Student Weekly, Bangkok Post Building, 136 Na Ranong Road, Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110.

You can also email us at [email protected] or fax us at 02 240 3792. Your words must be your own (except for quotations and well-known proverbs or sayings) and they may be edited. The Letter of the Week wins a prize of 150 baht!


  • adapt (v): to change your behaviour in order to deal more successfully with a new situation
    self-control (n): the ability to remain calm and not show your emotions even though you are feeling angry, excited, etc.
    consult (v): to go to somebody for information or advice
    finances (n): the money available to a person, an organisation or a country
    variety (n): several different sorts of the same thing
    superb (adj): excellent; of very good quality

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