One thing to do 'before you die'

Phra Paisal Visalo.

Death isn't a topic people like to talk about. It's related to loss and can be scary for those who aren't used to this law of nature. But does death have only negative aspects?

Buddhika Network for Buddhism and Society invites everyone to explore, revise and contemplate death in order to see the value of life during the exhibition titled "Before I Die".

It will be on display at the Eden zone, 1st floor of CentralWorld tomorrow and Saturday from 11am to 8pm.

The two-day event also features talks on interesting topics. It starts with "Learn How to Deal With Illness, See the Happiness" conducted by a group of patients who will share how they can look at pain in a positive light and get some valuable lessons from it. The talk will take place tomorrow at 4.30pm.

It will be followed by "Before I Die" by venerable Phra Paisal Visalo and writer New Klom at 5.30pm. They will discuss what people wish for before they die and what is the best thing we can acquire before then.

The following day will see Khunying Chamnongsri Hanchanlash encourage the audience to explore how ready they are for their last days during "Get Ready Before We Die" at 4pm. She will discuss what choices we should make and why we have to be ready for our eventual departure.

Khunying Chamnongsri Hanchanlash.

All talks will be conducted in Thai and there is no admission fee. For details, call 02-882-4387 and 02-866-0863 ext 12. Phra Paisal Visalo, writer New Klom, and Khunying Chamnongsri Hanchanlash will talk about death during the ‘Before I Die’ event, which runs at CentralWorld tomorrow and Saturday.

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