Super sonic


Pop rockers don’t disappoint

Believe Records

Supersub are a band who established their signature style with their very first release. Fans of the band can probably recognise a Supersub song after hearing the first few bars. The main feature that makes Supersub’s songs distinctive is their use of unconventional melodies.

Therapy is a modern rock album that makes great use of synthesiser sounds to add strength to the songs. The guitar playing is also prominent, but never too heavy sounding. It’s an album that will suit people who don’t like their rock music to be too loud or heavy.

Supersub’s songs are generally simple and easy to listen too. This can be heard with one of Therapy’s highlights, “Awaken,” a fast-paced, rhythmic rock song with a modern sound and lyrics about love.

Therapy is an album that should please Supersub’s fans. The album is available on CD and can also be downloaded through iTunes. — VH


  • bar (n): one of the short sections of equal length that a piece of music is divided into
    unconventional (adj): different and interesting
    prominent (adj): easy noticed
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