Letter of the week


There has always been prejudice in the world. Everybody has experienced it at least once.

Some people experience more prejudice than others. It can be anything from lies to name calling to bullying. I have experienced these things.

I don't mean to say the world is an unfair place to live in, but I see life as it is. It would be great to reduce prejudice if possible to bring harmony into our harsh, little world.

Teera Siribunsuk,

Prejudice is one of the biggest challenges that human beings face, Terra. There are always people who will look at others and judge them without knowing anything about them. People who to dislike somebody based only on their skin colour, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, etc. are called bigots. The best way to combat bigotry is to not become a bigot yourself and to help your family and friends learn not to be prejudiced either. — Editor



It is very hot right now. I don't like it. I can't even walk on the street without starting to sweat.

My friends and I go to the mall and stay there all day. There is air conditioning in the mall, so it is more comfortable.

But when I go home, it is still hot at night. Luckily, we have air-con at home. But sometimes I am still hot when I try to sleep.

The only good thing about the hot season is that Songkran is coming.

Kreangsak Leing,

Yeah, this heat isn't much fun is it, Kreangsak? There's not much we can do about it, though. Just try to stay out of the sun as much as possible, drink plenty of fluids and tough it out as best you can. At least you're not stuck in a hot classroom. — Editor


I just read a scary story online that there is an outbreak of the Ebola virus in Africa. It is like that movie from a long time ago, Outbreak. Lots of people have died so far, and the disease seems to be moving into other countries from Guinea. Guinea is where the disease started this time.

Ebola is a very scary disease, and most of the people who get it die. I hope that this virus doesn't come to Thailand.

Keng Jantima,

I know that Ebola seems pretty scary, Keng, but you really don't have that much to worry about. The Ebola virus is extremely deadly, killing most of the people who get it. It also kills them very quickly. This is the thing that makes Ebola something to fear far less when you're far from an outbreak — it infects its victims and kills them so quickly that people rarely have time to travel far and spread the disease. There are lots of scary things out there that can kill you; you shouldn't worry too much about most of them. — Editor

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  • prejudice (n): an unreasonable dislike of or preference for a person, group, custom, etc., especially when it is based on their race, religion, sex, etc.
    harmony (n): a state of peaceful existence and agreement
    harsh (adj): cruel, severe and unkind
    ethnicity (n): the fact of belonging to a particular race
    outbreak (n): the sudden start of something unpleasant, especially violence or a disease
    virus (n): a living thing, too small to be seen without a microscope, that causes infectious disease in people, animals and plants
    sweat (v): drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot

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