Take Aim


AF champion releases debut

Aim Satida
“Perd Jai Mai Perd Tua (Open Mind but Not Sure Yet)”
True Fantasia

Aim Satida is the female champion of Academy Fantasia Season 11, and she has just released her debut single, “Perd Jai Mai Perd Tua (Open Mind but Not Sure Yet).”

The song has a modern R&B feel that relaxes listeners with a cool rhythm and a simple, catchy melody. The song also has a strong hook that listeners will find very catchy.

The single allows Aim to show off her rapping skills, as well as her dancing abilities in the song’s video. Aim wrote the rap part herself, and she did a good job for a first effort.

The lyrics of “Open Mind but Not Sure Yet” are about a woman wanting to feel sure before making a decision about her love life. It’s the kind of song that many young female listeners will be able to relate to.

Overall, Aim’s first single seems to fit her personality perfectly, and she sings the song very well. Aim shows that she obviously has the potential to develop into a great singer and dancer. Her fans definitely won’t be disappointed with “Open Mind but Not Sure Yet.” — VH


  • hook (n): a short riff, bit of melody, etc. used and repeated many times in a pop song to make it more catchy and memorable
    decision (n): a choice or judgement that you make after thinking about what is the best thing to do
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