Letter of the week


New Year is a good time to start doing something good. I’m planning to lose weight. I was in a good shape when I was playing basketball as a child. But now I’m getting fatter and fatter.

I’m a member of a fitness club. It’s near my home. The problem is I often lack motivation to go there. I’m a bit lazy, especially on the weekend. Instead of going to the gym, I go to see a movie. One more obstacle is that I find it hard to control nutrition. It’s quite difficult but I’ll give it a try.

Somsak Thanaphitak,

I think setting yourself goals is admirable, Somsak. What you need to do now is develop the discipline to follow through. That can be difficult, but it's not impossible. One way to do this is to set yourself some realistic goals. If you want to lose weight, decide how much you think you want to lose and in what amount of time. Don't set your goals too high, or you might not reach them. If you don't reach them, you'll get discouraged and give up. Stop drinking sodas and other sugary drinks. Cut way down on carbohydrates like rice. Watch how many calories you take in each day. I think that if you work just a little bit on it every day, you'll find your goals are attainable. Good luck. — Editor



Yesterday I watched a horror movie called The Babadook. It's an Australian horror movie about a woman and her son who are haunted by a supernatural monster.

I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think that there are some movies that are scarier, but it was pretty scary.

Somehow I'm not sure what the monster was. Was it a real monster? Was it some kind of demon or ghost? Was it all just in the mother's head?

I'm not sure I can answer those questions for myself, but I think maybe I don't need to know for sure.

Sittichai Aumphipat,

Everybody who knows me knows how much I love The Babadook, Sittichai. I think it was one of the best movies of 2014. You raise some interesting points about the ambiguity of the movie. I don't think there's any problem with a work of art not giving you all the answers. The problem is lately that most people who make art think that their audience is so stupid that they need to spell everything out completely. That in turn leads people to think that they have to have all the answers. That tends to make people stupider. We don't get all the answers in life. Why should we get them in art? — Editor


I have been reading a lot about the illegal dog meat trade in Thailand. Bad people steal dogs from the streets and sometimes from people's homes and drive them out of the country to be food in restaurants in other countries.

I really hate these people, and I think that a lot of other people in Thailand hate them, too. Lately, there have been several YouTube videos, featuring international celebrities, who are decrying the dog meat trade and trying to raise awareness.

There are also signs going up in villages across the country to help local people be more aware of these bad people. The Soi Dog Foundation is doing lots of work to stop this despicable practise and to help homeless animals all over the kingdom.

Pichai Bantuvachiraporn,

I hate the dog meat trade as well, Pichai. I'm glad that it is getting attention in Thailand and also overseas. What these people do is truly awful, and I think they need to be punished with time in jail. You pointed out that the Soi Dog Foundation does lots of great work. If you'd like to learn more or would like to help out, go to www.soidog.org. — Editor

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  • motivation (n): making somebody want to do something, especially something that involves hard work and effort
    obstacle (n): a situation, an event, etc. that makes it difficult for you to do or achieve something
    admirable (adj): having qualities that you admire and respect
    carbohydrate (n): foods such as bread, potatoes and rice
    supernatural (adj): that cannot be explained by the laws of science and that seems to involve gods or magic
    ambiguity (n): the state of being difficult to understand or explain because of involving many different aspects
    decry (v): to strongly criticise somebody or something especially publicly
    despicable (adj): very unpleasant or evil

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