Student Weekly
Student Weekly online : February 4th, 2008 edition


Are you intense?

Take the �Student Weekly� quiz to find out

1. Do you stare at people?

a. Only if they�re good-looking.
b. Yeah. I�m always being told off for eyeballing people.
c. If they�re staring at me, I do.

2. What best describes your friends?

a. Mental.
b. Serious.
c. Easy-going.

3. Do you analyse your friends?

a. No. That�s a job for their shrink.
b. Only if they try to analyse me!
c. Yeah. I find it endlessly fascinating.

4. Do you grind your teeth at night?

a. Yes. I�m surprised I have any enamel left on my molars.
b. Er � not that I know of.
c. No, but people say I snore.

5. Do you think back on what people have said?

a. I rerun whole conversations in my head � over and over.
b. I can hardly remember what I say, let alone anyone else.
c. If it�s something important, I do.

6. Has anyone broken your heart?

a. Maybe. But I got over it pretty fast.
b. Yes, and I�m still recovering.
c. No way! No one gets near my heart.

7. Which type of movie do you prefer?

a. Comedy.
b. Documentary.
c. Drama.

8. When did you last laugh?

a. Today.
b. Yesterday.
d. Last week.


8-13: Intense? No chance. You don�t take life seriously enough to be intense. You�re a doer, not a worrier. A combination of thick skin and a sense of humor mean you don�t let things get to you.

14-19: You are a sensitive soul and are aware of the people and events around you. You like to think things over and can sometimes take a while to reach a decision, but no one could accuse you of being too intense.

20-24: Move over, Psycho, there�s competition! You can be very intense. Watch out. Some people may find it a little scary.


1. a=1, b=3, c=2
2. a=2, b=3, c=1
3. a=1, b=2, c=3
4. a=3, b=2, c=1
5. a=3, b=1, c=2
6. a=1, b=2, c=3
7. a=1, b=3, c=2
8. a=1, b=2, c=3


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