Letter of the week


My Nickname’s Ja, and I’m 18 years old. At present, I'm graduating from Matayom 6.

I'm worried about paying for college and what I'm going to study. My parents have low salaries, but they told me that they will send me to college until I graduate and wish me to attend.

I appreciate my parents, and I won’t disappoint them.

Anchan Chaopa,
Uthai Thani

You're lucky to have some great parents, Ja. They're willing to sacrifice and work hard to help you have a brighter future. Always keep their generosity in mind when you're studying. Work hard and prove to them that their faith and trust in you isn't misplaced. Right now the best thing you can do is work hard and make the most of everything they're working so hard to give you. — Editor



I'm tired of all the protesters who are still on the streets all over Bangkok. They are causing lots of trouble, not just in the capital, but all over the country.

It is hard to get anywhere in Bangkok because the traffic is so bad. You have to listen to the loud voices of the speakers whenever you're in the protest areas. Tourist business is being hurt a lot.

Some people have been injured, and some have even been killed. It's a bad situation for everybody.

I wish that both sides of the argument would negotiate and come to an agreement. There needs to be compromise from both sides.

Ekkachai Aumphipat,

I know it can be pretty frustrating, dealing with all the chaos that's happening around the city, Ekkachai. Unfortunately it looks as though the protesters have really dug in, and they don't look to be going anywhere anytime soon. You're right, there needs to be some compromise for the good of the whole country. Unfortunately, both sides seem pretty unwilling to bend at the moment. Let's hope it'll get better soon. — Editor


I recently saw a trailer for the new movie Godzilla, which comes out in May. I am very excited to see this movie.

The first Godzilla movie came out in 1954. Since then there have been many movies starring this famous monster.

I really like Godzilla movies, and I am really looking forward to seeing this new movie in May.

Nattaporn Kaewviyudth,

I'm a big fan of Godzilla myself, Nattaporn. I've watched Godzilla movies since I was a kid. Some of them are pretty silly, but some are quite good. I hope that the new movie isn't as terrible a disappointment as the American version from the 1990s. — Editor

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For letters and any general comments you have about Student Weekly, contact us at Bangkok Post Student Weekly, Bangkok Post Building, 136 Na Ranong Road, Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110.

You can also email us at [email protected] or fax us at 02 240 3792. Your words must be your own (except for quotations and well-known proverbs or sayings) and they may be edited. The Letter of the Week wins a prize of 150 baht!


  • salary (n): money that employees receive for doing their job
    appreciate (v): to be grateful for something that somebody has done
    sacrifice (v): the fact of giving up something important or valuable to you in order to get or do something that seems more important
    misplaced (adj): given to a person who does not deserve or return those feelings
    fatigue (n): a feeling of being extremely tired
    negotiate (v): to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion
    compromise (v): an agreement made between two people or groups in which each side gives up some of the things they want so that both sides are happy at the end
    chaos (n): a state of complete confusion and disorder
    dig in (phrasal v): to protect yourself against an attack by making a safe place

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