Letter of the week


Have you ever experienced living by yourself? I am sure that some people have experienced it, and they might hate it because it sometimes makes them feel very lonely. The experience of living on my own at Burapha University has made me stronger.

I can deal with my life effectively. For example, I spend 4,000 baht per month, and it is enough for me. Also I wake up by myself and go to class on time. These things make me much more self-disciplined.

I can face and learn a lot of new things. For instance, I had to register for many subjects on the Internet by myself in the first year. That helped me learn to manage things better.

Finally, living by myself reminds me of all the people in my family who always love and care deeply about me. When I got sick, my parents came to my dormitory to take care of me. This let me know who really loves me. All of the new experiences that I have faced make me strong and independent.

Parinya Siritiawsri,
Chon Buri

Living on your own can be a rewarding experience, Parinya. I've lived by myself several times in the past. You're right to point out that it has its ups and downs. It can be a bit lonely. I grew up as an only child, so I don't get lonely as quickly as some people who grew up with brothers and sisters. Also, as you point out, even when you're living by yourself, it's nice to know that you've got family who can come to your aid when you need it. It's also nice to have a cat around to keep away the lonely. — Editor



Lately I am very worried about what is happening in my country. Right now, many people are unhappy because of the coup. Some people are happy, too.

I am concerned because I feel like people are very uneasy and angry at each other. Some people are angry at foreign governments who are speaking out against the coup.

I really hope that people will remain calm and that there will not be violence in the streets. This will not be good for the country.

Nujamee Nimsawad,

It is a bit scary right now, isn't it Nujamee? The best that you and I can do is stay calm and hope for the best. Try to stay away from large groups of people, and make sure you're home by curfew. Lots of people are very angry right now, and that can be pretty scary. Try not to focus on your fears, and try to stay positive. Good luck. — Editor


I had a lot of stuff in my bedroom — lots of work on my table and inside my desk. Whenever I was just trying to find a single piece of paper that was really important, it took about an hour or so because things are piled too high to be found.

In reality objects cannot disappear by themselves, or teleport somewhere else. So having a good memory is useful.

Teera Siribunsuk,

It sounds to me like you need to work a bit on your organisation skills, Teera. It's really no fun, searching around forever, trying to find something you need. I suggest you invest just a little money in some hanging files, plastic desk trays and storage boxes to help you get things in order. For very little money, you'll be able to get yourself organised and save yourself some time and stress. That is, unless you like living in a dump. — Editor

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You can also email us at [email protected] or fax us at 02 240 3792. Your words must be your own (except for quotations and well-known proverbs or sayings) and they may be edited. The Letter of the Week wins a prize of 150 baht!


  • disciplined (adj): a method of training your mind or body or of controlling your behaviour
    dormitory (n): a room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school or other institution
    rewarding (adj): worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it is useful or important
    only child (n): a child who has no brothers or sisters
    organisation (n): the quality of being arranged in a neat, careful and logical way
    dump (n): a place where waste or rubbish/garbage is taken and left

    ups and downs: the mixture of good and bad things in life or in a particular situation or relationship

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