Letter of the week


I think that closed-circuit security cameras are a good idea. The cameras can look in several directions at the same time and check out every corner.

Recently, my uncle's company was able to catch a robber on camera, stealing goods from the company. My uncle was angry because the thief was a former employee.

My uncle didn't give the thief a chance. He called the police to arrest him.

Supaluck Amnuaychailert,

I think having CCTV systems has become an important part of keeping us safe in modern society, Supaluck. Lots of crimes have been solved with the help of video surveillance, and there's no denying that they work to help catch criminals. I'm not sure whether they're a deterrent to crime or not, but that's another issue. In the modern world, we've come to realise that we have to give up some of our privacy to have security. We just have to be careful that we're not giving up too much. — Editor



I saw a story about a bad bus driver. He was driving very crazily, and people on the bus were scared.

When the passengers complained to the driver, he pulled his bus over and yelled at them. He then threw all of the passengers off of the bus. Luckily somebody recorded what the driver did and posted it on social media.

I think that the driver was very dangerous. There are many times when I am on the bus, and I don't feel safe at all. I hope that the bus driver is punished and that safety on buses improves soon.

Sittichai Aumphipat,

Yeah, I saw that story, Sittichai. I think the driver should be fired and his license suspended. There's no excuse for that behaviour, and no room for anything that endangers the safety of passengers. We need to get a lot tougher on drivers in this country, in general. Especially ones who are transporting lots of people. — Editor


There has been a lot of trouble lately with refugees in Thailand and all over the region. Nobody in the area seems to want to do anything about these people who are trying to run away from their countries.

While I do feel sorry for these people, I don't think that it should only be Thailand's responsibility to take them in. The other countries in the area should help, too.

Sometimes it seems like everybody expects Thailand to take care of everybody else in the region. I don't think that's fair.

via email

The recent plight of refugees is unfortunate, Aum. I agree that Thailand alone cannot shoulder all of the burden. In order to help these people, there needs to be a real international effort — not just from countries around the region, but from all around the world. — Editor

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  • closed-circuit television (n): a television system that works within a limited area, for example a public building, to protect it from crime
    goods (n): things that are produced to be sold
    surveillance (n): the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed
    deterrent (n): a thing that makes somebody less likely to do something
    refugee (n): a person who has been forced to leave their country or home, because there is a war or for political, religious or social reasons
    region (n): a large area of land, usually without exact limits or borders
    plight (n): a difficult and sad situation
    shoulder (v): to accept the responsibility for something

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